Is Sugar-Free Chewing Gum Really Good For Your I Teeth?6 Facts about It Here- Juniper Publishers

      Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health

Is Sugar-Free Chewing Gum Really Good For Your I Teeth?6 Facts about It Here- Juniper Publishers

Authored by Daniel Craig Hetrelezis

The good's

Chewing gum stimulates saliva flow: Saliva contains many tooth-protective molecules including calcium which can help keep the enamel strong and prevent tooth-nasty bacteria from sticking to tooth surfaces.

Chewing gum clears debris from your mouth: the increased volume of saliva helps wash away food particles, keeping away anything that tooth-nasty bacteria can get their hands on.

Chewing gum helps with bad breath: dry mouth means sulfur made from bacteria on the tongue can evaporate easier. Sulfur evaporation from the tongue creates a bad smell.

The bad's

Excessive gum chewing can aggravate the jaw joint: when you chew gum excessively, the jaw and the joint it sits in becomes tender and aggravated. Try to limit chewing to no more than 15 minutes, 4 times a day, between meals.

Chewing gum with a pre-existing jaw problem can worsen it: sometimes it better to let a sore jaw rest.

Chewing gum doesn't substitute good brushing and cleaning. There are a lot of hard to reach places in the mouth that just need a good old brush and floss. It's like dirty dishes that need to be scrubbed before they're put into a dishwasher


Sugar-free chewing gum is good for your teeth, but avoid using it for long durations. If your jaw becomes sore or is already sore, see a dentist about it and discontinue it's use immediately. And don't forget to brush and floss.

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