To Deliver Great Service you Need to Adopt A CSI Mindset- Juniper Publishers
Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health To Deliver Great Service you Need to Adopt A CSI Mindset- Juniper Publishers Authored by Julie Lyons-Wolfe Opinion Have you ever experienced the phantom car noise? You know what I am talking about. Those times in which a strange sound would emanate from under the hood, only to disappear the moment you drove it into the garage to be checked. Finally, and after countless trips back and forth to the shop, a light bulb would finally go off and your mechanic would discover the source of the noise, and repair the problem. In more cases than not, in turned out that the origin of the noise was totally unrelated to what the manuals had indicated.Most people would call this an A-HA moment. I personally prefer to call it a CSI moment. Why CSI? Because you are dealing with a mystery that requires a combination of expertise, gut instinct and an investigative perseveran...