
Showing posts from September, 2020

Immediate Loading of an Atrophied Maxilla Using the Principles of Cortically Fixed Titanium Hybrid Plates- Juniper Publishers

  Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health Abstract Replacing the dental arch evolved fixed prosthesis and later dental implants. Dental implants have intended to cover missing teeth in the maxilla and mandible. However, many areas have insufficient bone, and this is critical to success and prognosis. Therefore, this report case discusses an approach of implant treatment undertaken in a patient with pronounced maxillary atrophy using Pterygoid implants, biomaterialsand a new model approach: the titanium Hybrid -Plates. Keywords:  Hybrid -Plates, Jaw atrophy, Tubero-pterygoid implants, Matri™bone. Go to Introduction The term osseointegration proposed by Branemark1 has developed an endosseous implant that forms an immobile connection with bone and has revolutionized oral rehabilitation with a significant advance in restorative dentistry [1]. Despite these success rates, some limitations have often found in sites implanted [1,2].The need for a dental ...